Selling Wholesale Beef


Quarter beef Near Me


Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man. - George Washington


Selling Wholesale Beef


Quarter beef Near Me


Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man. - George Washington


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As a family-owned and operated farm, we take great pride in our commitment to the environment and animal welfare. We believe that by raising our cattle in a natural and stress-free environment, we can produce the best-tasting beef, from bulk beef in Arlington to bulk ground beef to families and communities.

Quality Meat

Experience the taste of locally-raised, premium beef in Bedford County, Virginia, with our small herd farm’s beef sharing program. Our small herd of cattle is raised on natural grasses and provides a sustainable source of high-quality beef for our community. Join our beef-sharing program today and enjoy the taste of farm-fresh beef for you and your family today!

Your search for a sustainable Virginia beef company ends here! A warm welcome to Montagna Blu Beef LLC! We are a small farm with a big heart. Ours is a family-run small herd farm in the lush foothill pastures of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia offering beef share in Norfolk, Alexandria, and Arlington.

Montagna Blu Beef LLC is dedicated to producing premium beef through sustainable and responsible farming practices. We are the trusted beef seller in Virginia located in the beautiful countryside, where our small herd of cattle graze on natural grasses and are raised without the use of hormones or antibiotics.

Meet the family behind Montagna Blu Beef LLC

Husband and wife team Michael and Beverly Pizza founded our Virginia beef company through a beef share farm in Virginia in 2022. Yet their passion and experience in sustainable farming run deep, having been raised in happy farm homes their whole lives. Michael has been well versed in the equine world since childhood and grew his passion for providing sustainable meat through environmentally-friendly practices for everyone. Beverly grew up on a small farm and showed prowess and talent in growing vegetables and raising other farm animals. As a power team, they have been working their land since 2007 with dedication and expertise in raising farm animals and growing crops. 

With their love for farming, Michael and Beverly decided to create a healthy farm life for their family. Their children, Trenton and Simone, were exposed to loving and caring for animals and land growing up and have since become a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA), a national organization that focuses on developing leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. 

Throughout the years, the Pizza family has built their expertise in sustainable farming through agricultural education to make a positive difference in their own family and customers.

Visit our Facebook Page!
Montagna Blu Beef LLC

Why Choose Us

We strive to continually better
our herd for you!

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Discover the exceptional taste and quality of grass-fed Black Angus beef. Raised on a diet of natural grasses, our Black Angus beef is leaner and healthier, with a rich and flavorful taste. Sustainably produced, our grass-fed Black Angus beef is the perfect choice for health-conscious and environmentally conscious consumers.

[dipl_interactive_image_card title=”PASTURE RAISED BEEF” image=”” image_opacity=”1″ overlay_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.42)” _builder_version=”4.17.4″ _module_preset=”default” title_font=”Oswald||||||||” title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” title_font_size=”32px” title_text_shadow_style=”preset1″ global_colors_info=”{}”]

Experience the taste of truly natural beef with our pasture-raised beef. Our cattle are raised on open pastures, where they are free to graze and forage for their natural diet. This results in beef that is leaner, healthier, and has a unique, rich flavor. 
